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At Asphalt Green Soccer Club, our teams train in an inclusive and competitive environment, where players can hone their skills and develop leadership qualities that extend beyond the soccer field. What sets us apart from other clubs is our focus on the holistic development of our players, not just their soccer skills.


Our teams compete in top-tier leagues, including the NYCSL, EDP, and USYS National Leagues. In fact, in 2021, two of our teams were chosen to compete in the highly prestigious USYS National League PRO competition, which featured some of the best teams in the country.


Our developmental pathway is designed to help players grow, not just as soccer players, but as individuals. We believe in developing players and leaders who can compete at the highest levels, both on and off the field. Our experienced coaches provide specialized training to help players improve their speed, agility, shooting, and ball handling, while also instilling important life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and perseverance.


Choose Asphalt Green Soccer Club for a truly unique soccer experience that will help your child thrive, both on and off the field.



Formation years


Through different formats (5v5 festivals and 7v7) the players learn the fundamentals of the game while gaining the confidence required to play at the highest level. A lot of individual development takes place during this time. 



Transition years


During this period, players will transition first to a 9v9 field and later to a 11v11 field. Players are introduced to working in units while developing a better understanding of team tactics. Positional training is a bit more in depth and player begin to take full ownership of their growth. 



Competitive years


Players go through a more tactical learning of the game. Accountability is fundamental and everything revolves around the well being of the team. Players work on their college recruitment while competing at the highest level possible. League placement is earned with previous results. 

If you are interested in trying out for our teams, click below.

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